Thursday 11 October 2018

Healthy Lifestyle

Benefits of living a healthy lifestyle

Health issues like bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be easily prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For maximum health and to combat oral odor, try implementing healthy habits in areas such as oral hygiene, diet, and routine medical care. 

Oral hygiene is extremely important for preventing bad breath and ensuring a healthy mouth. If you do not brush and floss your teeth daily, food particles can accumulate in your mouth, increasing bacterial growth and causing an unpleasant odor. Odor-causing bacteria and other debris can also lead to bad breath when dental appliances like braces or dentures are not cleaned properly. When oral hygiene is not properly maintained, gum disease and other health concerns can result and may damage the gums and jawbone. Daily oral hygiene requires brushing your teeth, tongue, and gums after meals, flossing at least once a day, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. 

Dietary habits also affect your breath. By maintaining a healthy diet of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein, you can combat bad breath and ensure better physical well-being. Pungent foods like onions and garlic should be avoided, as the volatile substances in these foods can contribute to bad breath. Avoid sticky, sugary, and acidic foods and beverages, as these lead to tooth decay and other odor-causing oral issues. Additionally, drink plenty of water to ensure healthy saliva production, since saliva is responsible for cleansing the mouth from bits of food residue. If you smoke or consume excessive amounts of alcohol, consider changing your lifestyle, as these habits are highly detrimental to your oral health and your wellbeing. Daily exercise is also important to control weight and to reduce your risk of breath-busting illnesses like diabetes. 

Finally, scheduling routine medical checkups with your doctor and dentist is essential for continued health. Visit your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and oral exams, and see your doctor for well-checks and other health concerns. Being proactive in pursuing a healthy lifestyle is an important foundation for reduced bad breath, improved physical health, and long-term well-being. 

To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Permanently Click The Link Below

Bad Breath Cause

A Coating on the Back of the tongue can cause bad breath

Bad breath, also called halitosis, is generally caused by a buildup of bacteria or debris inside the mouth. For some people, this odor-causing buildup occurs on the back portion of the tongue. However, it is not always clear why this tongue buildup occurs. 

Possible causes of tongue-based bad breath may be due to postnasal mucus dripping from the nose to the throat, which forms a whitish coating. This coating often contains many different forms of bacteria which may thrive on the tongue's rough surface and cause unpleasant odors in the mouth. The back portion of the tongue is especially susceptible to bacterial overgrowth, as this area is relatively dry. The lack of saliva combined with the tongue's natural grooves and fissures can trap food particles, dead cells, and mucus from the nasal cavities. As a result, this environment can quickly become a medium for bacterial growth. 

According to Dr. Harold Katz, "nearly 90 percent of endogenous bad breath that is not caused by digestive upsets or metabolic diseases like diabetes is actually due to noxious bacterial buildup on your tongue." Tongue bacteria demonstrate a distinctive, smelly odor because of volatile sulfuric compounds and polyamines. This coating can develop on the back of your tongue even if you otherwise practice good oral hygiene, especially in individuals with allergies or certain infections like thrush. Although most people brush their teeth daily and floss, few are aware that it is just as essential to clean your tongue as it is to clean your teeth and gums. 

To combat bad breath from your tongue, look at your tongue in the mirror to see it if has a coating or an unusual (white) color. If you notice anything suspicious, see your health care provider, as he or she can treat any illness involving chronic postnasal drip that may be causing a bacterial coating. Also, make sure to visit your dentist for regular cleanings and exams and to maintain a good oral hygiene routine of brushing your teeth and tongue, flossing, and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash every day.

To Get rid of your bad breath 100% NATURALLY! click the link below

Healthy Lifestyle

Benefits of living a healthy lifestyle Health issues like bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be easily prevented by maintainin...